The divorce process can be a relative smooth one or one that leaves you emotionally and mentally drained depending on the events that led to the end of your marriage. It’s easy to breathe a sigh of relief once the Decree of Dissolution is entered, but you’re not done yet.

Even if you and your ex did not own property such as land or a house, there are still property issues to bring to a closure. These include bank, investment and retirement accounts and personal property that should be split. You need to close any joint accounts and open new ones in your name only. Keep a copy of all final statements or checks for any assets so that you have a paper trail should any questions arise later on. You may need to have a Qualified Domestic Relations Order prepared in order to split retirement assets, and should be prepared to enlist the aid of an expert to handle this for you. In addition you will need to have a Deed prepared in order to transfer any real estate, as well as titles to transfer ownership of any vehicles. Make sure all these documents are filed with the appropriate government agencies to ensure the transfer process is complete and avoid liability issues.

Personal property should be divided in the presence of both you and your former spouse with the exception of when a Restraining Order is in place. It may be beneficial to have a neutral third party present. You may want to make a list of the property being divided among you or take photographs or videotape the proceeding to avoid claims of property damage at a future date.