Domestic Abuse Charges: The Consequences
The state of Colorado deals harshly with persons who commit domestic violence offenses. If you stand accused, a Colorado criminal defense attorney can explain the domestic violence laws in the state and make sure your rights are protected under those laws. While the criminal consequences of a domestic violence conviction can be severe, there are various civil consequences that can have a serious impact on your life whether you are convicted or not. Some of these consequences include:
- Loss of custody: Many states do not award physical custody to anyone convicted of domestic violence offenses.
- You don’t have the option of mediation: Mediation is not required in most states for family disputes where the presumption of domestic abuse exists.
- Loss of contact: Once a restraining order is issued, you are prohibited from all contact with the alleged victim directly, indirectly or via a third party. You are prohibited from all contact through phone calls, letters, emails, texts or other means of communication, even if the victim initiates the contact. Violation could land you in jail.
- Being separated from your family: A domestic violence charge can result in an order barring you from your home as well as that of any property within your home regardless of whether the property is jointly owned or solely owned by you. Sometimes it can be arranged for you to go to your residence under police supervision to get some of your personal belongings.
- Loss of time with your children: A restraining order can cost you precious time with your children if you are charged with domestic violence offense. Depending on the severity of the charges, you could be prohibited from seeing your children at all or allowed supervised visitation.
- Loss of civil liberties: Domestic violence charges costs you your right to carry or possess a firearm in the state of Colorado.
- Court-ordered anger management treatment: The courts may order you to undergo anger management treatment or drug/alcohol dependency treatment. You may also be required to undergo any other therapy as a condition of maintaining or having more contact with your children.

Kevin T. Ellmann
Your Colorado Criminal Law Expert
By focusing on criminal defense, Kevin provides personal and competent service to those who have been charged with a criminal act. Kevin’s skills in negotiation, understanding the legal issues and trial techniques provide his clients with a quality of representation that sets him apart from others. Learn More