Parents in Laurel County, Kentucky who drag their feet paying child support may soon have a reason to be more proactive. A recent Times-Tribune story reported that revocation or suspension of professional licenses belonging to parents who are behind in child support is part of the state’s County Attorney’s plan to collect delinquent child support. Under his plan, delinquent parents could lose their hunting, commercial driver’s, medical, legal and other professional licenses, as well as their concealed weapons permits.
Parents were advised to contact the county’s child support office to make payment arrangements in order avoid license suspensions. Parents who fail to make arrangements before the suspension goes into effect would be required to pay a larger reinstatement fee to have get their licenses back. The county collected nearly $2.5 million in child support in 2011, which puts the county on track to collect almost $5 million by the end of the year, according to the County Attorney.
The state of Colorado has child support enforcement methods that also include license suspensions. If you’re having trouble making child support payments, consult with a Colorado defense attorney who has experience handling these types of cases. The attorney can explain the child support laws and how they apply to you. Failure to pay child support can result in garnishment of your wages, unemployment or workers’ compensation benefits. If you plan on applying for a passport, it may be denied. You can not only lose your driver’s license, but also other professional licenses you have, such as medical, legal, engineering license. The state will also intercept any tax refunds you receive, as well as any lottery winnings. You would also be reported to the credit bureaus.