53-year-old Norma Sisernos has been arrested and accused of robbing a bank with her 31-year-old daughter Tina Guerrero. Denver police say that the couple went into a bank in Westminster, where one of them claimed to have a bomb, and they proceeded to rob the bank. Now here’s the twist: Norma claims that she never knew her daughter was planning to rob the bank, and that she is essentially an innocent bystander in the whole affair. If ever there was a case where a person was in dire need of a really good and qualified Denver criminal law attorney, this is one for the books.
Siserno claims that she never actually went into the bank, and that she had been sitting in her car playing a solitaire game and waiting for her daughter to come out of a uniform store that was next door. She also says she had no idea that her daughter even went into the bank until police pulled her over and arrested her and her daughter.
She also claims that her daughter has a drug problem and has been banned from Siserno’s house due to past theft. Still, she says, she never thought that her troubled daughter would sink as low as to rob a bank. Now Siserno, too, faces charges of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon, felony charges that could lead to a very long prison sentence.
It’s an unusual case, and whether or not her claims are valid, or at least valid enough for a criminal defense, are for the courts, the prosecutor, and her criminal law attorney to hash out. It won’t be the first time ignorance has been brought up as a defense; the jury will have to decide whether the claim is believable enough for an acquittal.