New Year’s is a time of celebration for many in Castle Rock. If you have plans to be out celebrating the new beginnings with your friends or loved ones, it’s important to keep in mind that the Colorado Department of Transportation provides grants to local police departments to help offset overtime so that all officers available can be out patrolling the roads.
Colorado’s “Heat is On” campaign is in full swing for the New Year’s celebrations, and you can expect increased DUI checkpoints and more officers on the roads. The CDOT has also partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, the Colorado Licensed Beverage Association, the Regional Transportation District in Denver and Miller Coors to help educate and promote responsible drinking.
Aside from having a designated driver this New Year’s, Miller Coors is offering free vouchers for cab fare at some participating locations throughout the state. RTD is also offering free rides in some areas of Colorado.
Smart phone users can download a free app by the name of R-U Buzzed for their Andriod or iPhone device. This app will estimate one’s blood alcohol content and call a cab for you.
For iPhone Users:
For Android Users:
It is important to understand that while helpful, this app cannot determine your exact levels. It is always safest to designate a sober driver prior to heading to your holiday celebrations. Hopefully, you’ll play it safe this New Year’s. However, if you find yourself charged with a DUI, contact a Colorado DUI attorney as soon as possible.