Two Arrested in an Attempted Burglary

Two suspects who were chased by a homeowner were taken into custody last week by the Weld county sheriff’s office after they were spotted trying to break into an out building in a Weld county neighborhood. A neighbor phoned the police and followed the men as they drove away. They are charged with suspicion of attempted burglary. The crime may not be the kind that leads to a news flash on television, but it is the type of charge that a Colorado criminal defense attorney can help the suspects with.

By |2018-03-28T15:19:35+00:00July 8th, 2011|Criminal Defense, Criminal Laws|Comments Off on Two Arrested in an Attempted Burglary

No Suspect Apprehended in Stabbing of a Seventeen Year Old over the Holiday Weekend

There has been a stabbing in east Greeley that may or may not be gang related. The Greeley Tribune reports that the July 3rd Sunday stabbing of the youngster led to the finding of the getaway car, but little else. A policeman interviewed by the paper broached the possibility that it may be gang related. This kind of speculation may be based on the officer’s experience, but sometimes speculation can lead investigators to seek the wrong individuals and possibly charge them with a crime they did not commit. If they do arrest someone in this incident, the person or persons charged must retain an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney.

By |2018-03-28T15:28:14+00:00July 4th, 2011|Criminal Defense, Criminal Laws|Comments Off on No Suspect Apprehended in Stabbing of a Seventeen Year Old over the Holiday Weekend

Organized Shoplifting Rings Attack Colorado Stores

If you are facing shoplifting or theft charges in the state of Colorado you should reach out to an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Your Colorado criminal defense attorney will be able to clearly explain the charges against you and the possible penalties that could go along with them and then go over all of your potential options for defense. You’ll get the expert advice that you need to make it through this very stressful situation and the confidence that your professionally structured plan of defense will result in the best possible verdict from your criminal hearing.

By |2018-04-20T16:43:37+00:00June 1st, 2011|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Organized Shoplifting Rings Attack Colorado Stores

Fraud and Theft Lead to Serious Punishments

If you are facing allegations of fraud, forgery or deception you need the help of an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney in order to ensure a favorable verdict. Your Colorado criminal defense attorney can work to establish the most suitable strategy of defense for your particular situation. Enlisting the help of an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney will give you the best chance of facing the minimal charges when it comes to charges involving these very serious crimes.

By |2018-03-28T15:34:02+00:00May 30th, 2011|Criminal Defense|Comments Off on Fraud and Theft Lead to Serious Punishments
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